Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Countdown to Spring Break!

Only one week left before our Spring Break. It shouldn't be too busy at school since our 6 weeks just ended. Here is the countdown:

2 Yearbook Press Nights
1 Mu Alpha Theta meeting
4 Pre-Cal assignments
1 AP breakfast
1 Tech Theater Test
3 YB pages to edit
             1 President's Project             
 2 Baseball Games

I know lots of my blogging friends are on spring break now. Hope y'all are having fun!!


  1. I'm on the countdown to Spring Break too!! Can't wait!

  2. Yessss Spring Break!! Mine is 2 weeks away, midterms next week ahh.

  3. Good Luck getting through it all! We're on SB now and once I got that last thing off my list a HUGE burden was taken off my shoulders.

  4. I'm the same way! I can hardly wait!!

  5. My spring break isn't until mid April!! I'm so jealous of everyone who has there's now!

  6. Good luck finishing all of your work!

  7. haha lucky i jut had a week off and then two in th emiddle of april. so for now i will tough it out!

  8. I would love to have a spring break again! Enjoy it!!
