Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stressed much?

So finals are just about putting me over the edge! I have been studying like crazy. This is how I looked leaving my house this morning!
Then sitting in my first period english final I looked down to realize this...

One Target one Tory!
I was so embarassed but suprisingly only the BF and a few friends noticed!! I cannot believe I wore two different shoes all day!


  1. Oh my goodness! Haha, at least both shoes are cute!

  2. haha girl wow. it'll be okay ! i once went to class with brown and black shoes so least they were same color! ha ha :) good luck on rest of your exams!

  3. Oh no! I hate those kind-of days. The Target flat is absolutely precious! I hope you have a better day tomorrow -- best of luck on your finals! :)

  4. Awww...I hope the test went okay. I once wore a t-shirt and sweater backwards all day.

  5. Aww haha! I hope the rest of your week is less stressful!

  6. That is hilarious. I will be praying for you during your finals! :] Good Luck!

  7. That is so funny! At least not too many people noticed!! I hope that the rest of your finals go well!! :)

  8. That is hilarious! At least they're both cute and black! Good luck on your exams tomorrow!

  9. girlfriend, this is soooooo funny! Good luck! love you!

  10. that is awesome! i love and own BOTH of those shoes! :)
