Monday, September 7, 2015

I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 22!

Today is my 22nd birthday! In my head, 22 was always the age of adulthood and it is weird to think that it is here. I know that I have so many huge life events coming at me this year and I am so beyond excited to experience each one! I have decided to set some goals for my twenty-second year and I thought I would share them with y'all.

1. Finish out my term as President of Gamma Phi with as much enthusiasm as I had the day I was elected.
2. Have the BEST experience student teaching full time.
3. Graduate from Texas A&M Summa Cum Laude.
4. Marry my best friend!
5. Move and get a job teaching.
6. Teach myself Calligraphy and master sewing (at lease become a pillow sham making machine!)
7. Grow my Etsy business and blog!


  1. Happy Birthday!!!! Enjoy being 22 because the year will fly by and your next birthday will be here.
